Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth Apperance vs Reality Essay

The world is governed more by appearances than by realities. Throughout society people are judged based on their appearance. This is unfortunate because appearance can be deceiving. In William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth appearances are not what they seem. Some people may change because they think that their true self does not fit in society while others pretend to be something they are not. In the theme of appearance versus reality Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have an image but as the time passes by their true personalities began to show. Macbeth portrays himself differently from his true inner self. He pretends to be a strong and intelligent person but from inside he is weak and indecisive. When Macbeth first confronts the witches’ prophecies he says, â€Å"Come what may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day† (1. 3. 152-153). Macbeth is leaving his future to ‘chance’. He wants to appear noble and strong but in the end he refutes his statement by killing Duncan and Banquo to get to the throne. Also, when Lady Macbeth explains the plan to Macbeth he asks â€Å"If we should fail? † (1. 7. 59). He is still afraid of the consequences of his actions. His actions look pungent but he does not have any reason to kill Duncan. Macbeth has a debate within himself to murder King Duncan or to spare his life. Macbeth hesitation to kill Duncan proves in realty he is a weak man. Lady Macbeth represents herself as a beautiful and powerful woman in society but she is as weak as her husband Macbeth. To convince Macbeth to follow the plan she says â€Å"I have given suck, and know how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn† (1. 7. 54-58). Macbeth asks for her help, but she responds by being harsh to him to keep up her appearances. Even when Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, instead of helping him, she tells him to go to bed and stop imagining weird things. Lady Macbeth appears heartless toward others. However, one night a gentlewomen and a doctor see her sleep waking and mumbling â€Å"Out, damned spot! Out, I say! † (5. 1. 25). She appears to be wide awake but she is unconsciously revealing her true self. Her guilty conscious leads to her downfall through suicide. In this scene her appearance crumbles. She seemed powerful and unsympathetic, but in reality her guilt of Duncan’s murder driver her crazy proving she has become weak. In Macbeth the theme of appearance versus reality is shown through the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. They both revealed a fictitious picture of their personality even though on the inside they are different people. Macbeth’s indecisive personality leads to his destruction. The iron lady, Lady Macbeth appears to be a tough woman, who feels no guilt. But in the ending she shatters to pieces because of her guilt-ridden conscious. No matter what one appears to be reality will defeat appearance. People can put disguise on reality for time being but in the end truth reveals itself.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Longman Communication 3000 Essay

The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words contained in the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and study in order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing. Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language. This means that by knowing this list of words, a learner of English is in a position to understand 86% or more of what he or she reads. Of course, â€Å"knowing† a word involves more than simply being able to recognise it and know a main meaning of it. Many of the most frequent words have a range of different meanings, a variety of different grammatical patterns, and numerous significant collocations. Nonetheless, a basic understanding of the Longman Communication 3000 is a very powerful tool and will help students develop good comprehension and communication skills in English. ‘This [frequency] information is gold dust for the language learner. LDOCE shows in graphic and immediate form which words are really worth learning and knowing how to use.’ Jeremy Harmer, ELT author These frequency markers added to the headwords in the dictionary give users access to a wealth of information that can help the selection of the appropriate word or phrase in a variety of situations. Not only are the words and meanings given descriptive labels, for example formal or informal, AmE (American English) or BrE (British English), humorous, old-fashioned, but now they have the added information about relative frequency in spoken and written language. Take for example the verb book (in the meaning of book a table at a restaurant). It is marked as S2 – one of the top 2000 words of spoken English. Note that is has no marker for written English because according to corpus analysis, it is not part of the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. However, the entry also indicates that a synonym for book is reserve which is in the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that in speaking (for instance when phoning a hotel or restaurant), book is the most appropriate verb to use when asking for a room or table to be kept for you. In writing, however, it would be more appropriate to use reserve. ‘There are two distinct modes of English: thoughtful, accurate and more formal, reflected mostly by written English; and spontaneous, real-time, less formal language, typified by spontaneous speech and some informal writing.’ Professor Geoffrey Leech, Emeritus Professor of English Language and Linguistics – University of Lancaster To ensure that users have access to the appropriate information, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English marks all the words that are in the Longman Communication 3000 in red accompanied by special symbols: W1 , W2 , and W3 for words that are in the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in written English, and S1 , S2 and S3 for the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in spoken English. Nowadays, many learner’s dictionaries include information about the most frequent words in English, but Longman dictionaries are the only ones to highlight the differences between spoken and written frequency. Learning a language can be exciting, but also sometimes difficult and frustrating because there are so many things to learn and it is difficult to know what to focus on. The frequency markers that identify the Longman Communication 3000 help students see clearly which words are frequent in written and spoken English, and enable them to focus more attention on mastering the meanings, grammatical patterns and collocations of these words.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Security Roles In An Organization Research Paper

Security Roles In An Organization - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the protection of an organization’s asset is very relevant for the growth and development of the organizations. For most organizations, there are specialized departments and units that take care of the management of their assets. Protection of asset is however seen in most contexts as a security issue and so its management and for that matter protection is left in the care of competent security professionals. In this paper, the results gathered from an interview with security personnel on the role security plays in protecting an organization’s assets are discussed. Professional responsibilities of security directors One of the major aspects of the interview touched on the roles that various security professionals play in the organizations. With a specific emphasis on the security director, it was realized that the role that the security plays in the organization is multi-variant. What this means is that the security director’s role cuts across several aspects of the organization’s asset management. Generally, the security director is expected to protect two major types of asset, namely tangible and intangible assets (Kolsaker and Lee-Kelley, 2008). Tangible assets are those types of assets that can be touched and seen such as vehicles, money, buildings, machinery, computers, manufactured products, and others. Intangible assets are those assets that cannot be seen or touched. These include database, copyright property, human capital, talent pipeline, organizational strategy, among others. As part of protection, the security director is mandated to prevent loss. This means that the security director is obliged to ensure that the quantitative value of the company’s asset will either remain same or they will appreciate. Under no justifiable condition should there be a reduction. To make this position, investigations and other administrative and managerial functions are required. In effect, the security d irector uses a preventive approach to protection so that losses will not occur before means of retrieving losses would even be talked about. Critical skills required for security personnel Having noted the depth of responsibility that the security director and for that matter security had in protecting the asset of the organization, the question of critical skills required for the execution of the roles were asked. It would be noted that the rendering of security service is seen as a professional duty and so comes with some well defined skills and knowledge that a person ought to possess in order to function effectively in that duty (Gray, 2004). The interviewee thus stressed that, observational skills, critical thinking skills, organizational skills, self control, innovativeness, being visionary, and interpersonal relationship were all skills that were needed for a person to function actively. From the skills that were named by the interviewee, there were three major categorization s that could be given to them. The first of these is personal development skills; second is group development skills; and third is organization development skills. In effect, the critical skills required for a security coordinator to succeed should be ones that make the coordinator proactive as a person, gives him the ability to work effectively in a team, and finally take the holistic skill of functioning

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In what ways has the economy of Azerbaijan been affected by Assignment

In what ways has the economy of Azerbaijan been affected by globalisation - Assignment Example Accordingly, the capital and financial market interactions in terms of exchange rate, interest rate, inflation and unemployment etc are also altered. Globalization has enormous effects on the economy of Azerbaijan as well. Azerbaijan is the Contiguous Transcontinental Presidential Republic situated in Caucasus region (United Nations, 2003). The economy of this province is characterised by inefficient public administration, high inflation and unemployment rate. In this paper, how globalization affects the economic sectors of Azerbaijan such as energy, import and export, transportation as well as science and technology will be critically analysed. Azerbaijan gained independence in the year of 1991. Since independence, the economy of the country has been transformed from centrally planned economy to a free market economy. Overtime, the country started establishing diplomatic relationship with other countries. Presently Azerbaijan is having steady trade relationship with 160 countries of five continents (United Nations, 2003). Naturally, occurrences related to globalization largely impact the economic sectors of Azerbaijan. Initially, the economy encountered a lot of problems such as high inflation and unemployment rate, unstable currency and very low GDP growth (International Monetary Fund, 2012). After 1995, particularly after joining treaties with foreign enterprises for oil supplies, the country started experiencing rapid growth. Such economic growth facilitated the economy to privatise a number of state enterprises; the national currency Manat became stabilised (The Economists, 2015). As the economy approached towards stab ility, many foreign investors got attracted and companies started investing foreign capital in order to tap lucrative business opportunities lying in the economy (International Monetary Fund, 2012). Hence, import-export accelerated. Inclusion of foreign direct investment helped the Azerbaijan economy to gear up its

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rhetorical situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rhetorical situation - Essay Example It is vital to note that the article rests on environmental knowledge and concerns. This is vital in the fact that many entities may rise to defend the same. It also expresses a wide network of interrelated environmental concepts. The audience is thus able to deduce that the river is more of an environmental concern than a developmental concern. The author utilized this context to express a dire a situation of the river. In addition, it highlights the concept that governments and citizens tend to ignore. In presenting the essays’ theme, the author highly utilizes the rhetorical strategies of ethos and logos. Logos is vital in describing the situation and its interrelated concepts. Ethos is highly utilized as a follow up strategy of logos. Ethos seeks to trigger the audience in defending their rivers. In this sense, the article is highly effective in persuading its audience. This regards the chronology of presentation and the inductive analysis that the author projects into the same. It is thus vital to provide rhetorical analysis of this paper. In terms of the rhetorical situation, it is critical to consider the context, purpose and audience. The paper exists in the context of environmental concern and ecology. This follows a pattern of showing the interaction of environmental concepts that comprise to form a particular ecology. This paper has a concern of manmade activities that contribute to destruction of the beauty and ecological benefits of the rivers Colorado and Rio Grande. In demonstration of the same, the author mentions a famed naturalist that termed Colorado as rich of fauna and flora. In this context, the author asserts that the river had rivulets that entered the Gulf of California at majestic volumes. This article is intended for ordinary citizens and entities that may rise to defend their ecology. In this sense, the author emphasizes that politicians and their affiliates may not contribute to restoration of the same. This means

Friday, July 26, 2019

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Annotated Bibliography

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Annotated Bibliography Example The researcher of this essay aims to analyze and discuss studies, that were conducted by the researchers on the subject of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia disease, that is a cancer that mainly attacks the bone marrow and arises from cancerous and immature white blood cells called lymphoblast. The two subtypes of lymphocytes are T and B cells. The authors of the studies, that were discussed stipulate that 80% of acute lymphoblastic leukemia arise from immature B-lymphocytes. The disease is most prevalent in children; nevertheless, it has also increased in elderly populace mostly of ages 60 years and over. The main symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are buildup of the abnormal and immature white blood cells within the bone marrow and blood. Blast cells collect out of the normal cells within the bone marrow thus lowering blood counts. The disease results to decrease in normal white cells making an individual to be susceptible to infection such as sinuses, bronchitis, and pneumonia. T he main signs are; enlargement of the lymph nodes within the neck and arms coupled with enlargement of the spleen. This journal also describes the treatment options for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is treated by multiple chemotherapy drugs via mouth or via special intravenous line that is normally placed within a vein in the arm or chest and maintain for several months. According to Knowles, the chromosomes that lead to the development of Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia is sill not known today.

Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short answers - Essay Example ng Congressional action with his authorship of the Federalist Papers and his stern belief in a more balanced and financially fair system of government expenditures. An early and notable military leader during the war for American independence, Washington eventually rose to become the first president of the United States. A devout American patriot, Washington was respected by many citizens in that time as both a strong military might and a fair potential president. Despite Washingtons retirement to Mount Vernon prior to being elected the first American president, he remained influential in many governmental matters until his death in 1797, supporting the idea that Congress should fund the debt of the nation. An early puritanical leader, Hutchinson maintained somewhat radical religious beliefs for that time, eventually establishing a bible study lesson for citizens who had migrated to the New World in the 1600s. Her viewpoints on religion eventually caused her to be banished from the early colonial society, however her progressive thinking in relation to religion serves, today, as a map for the evolution of religious beliefs in early colonial America. Angry over Britains imposition of excessive taxation, colonial Americans opened up crates of tea, which was set for exportation to other nations, and dumped it into the harbor to prevent England from receiving profit and taxes on the tea. The colonists were also angry that imported tea distributors/manufacturers were not paying import taxes, which could have assisted the economy of early America. This act enraged England and is noted as the starting point for the Revolutionary War. Angry over Britains constant imposition of taxes on the colonists without their approval, the term no taxation without representation involved the early colonial American belief that taxes cannot and should not be expected to be paid (or acknowledged) without some form of governmental representation that speaks on behalf of citizens.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Investigation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Investigation Plan - Assignment Example Anu. With regards to the questions that should be posed to her, the first of these is what specifically gave her the impression that she was not considered due to her ethnic background/religious views. Accordingly the second question would necessarily be whether or not the employer made any direct or indirect comments, whether legal or illegal with reference to national origin, religion, or any other aspects covered under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Guerin & DelPo, 2009). Similarly, the second stakeholder that should be interviewed by the EEOC is the human resources manager. Although if this is a small firm, the human resources manager may very well be the same as the general manager, if it is a larger firm, the human resources manager will be a separate position in and of itself. The reason for this individual being chosen is due to the fact that the EEOC will need to determine the level and extent to which compliance with an appreciation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is current ly being exhibited within the firm and within the employment process. With regards to the specific questions that the EEOC investigator should ask this individual, these would necessarily be concentric around the questions that are generally asked during an interview process as well whether an offer of employment was made over the phone to Anu. This second question will have a great deal of importance with regards to the final discussion that will be integrated within this brief analysis; i.e. the proof and understanding of whether or not an offer of employment was made and if it was to what conditions, if any, existed within this offer. The final stakeholder that must that certainly be is the hiring manager was responsible for interview Anu. As a result of the previous, the EEOC investigator will be able to determine based upon the spinal be whether or not Anu ultimately has a case or not (Leonard, 2007). The first question should be asked to this hiring is how many employees he/sh e employed at the time that Anu was offered her position stop this is an important but is the answer to that that Civil Rights Act of 1964 only applied to firms with 14 or more employees. If the firm had fewer than 14 employees the time that Anu was offered her position, this negates involvement that the EEOC might be played with regards to get case. Additionally, the hiring manager should be asked whether or not there is any process or work that a potential higher might be responsible for that would require them not to wear a sari. This last question is due to the fact that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically denotes that an employer can make an exception to the discriminatory clauses elaborated upon in title VII should there be what is known and referred to as a bona fide occupational qualification. As such, if an employee in the bakery is responsible for a job that would require that they not wear loose fitting clothing, this might be understood as a bona fide occupational qualification (Lavin & DiMichele, 2012). Finally, it should be strongly noted that the exchange upon which Anu was offered the job took place over the phone stop accordingly, there exists no legal proof as to whether any conditions of employment were integrated within the offer was given. By discussing this topic with both the HR manager and the hiring

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case Analysis on Ryan Air Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Analysis on Ryan Air - Case Study Example Thus, in 2004, the company's short-term market orientation involved segmenting by lifestyle and by income bracket in the European marketplace in order to appeal to a broader target consumer audience. The key stakeholders in the firm include all staff members responsible for carrying out strategic objectives, the communities in which Ryanair thrives, as well as the customers who frequent Ryanair as their low-cost carrier of choice. Satisfying the stakeholder appears to be the firm's long-term mission in Europe in lieu of having no established, formalised mission or vision statement. Lack of such a mission or vision may be involved in the rationale for why Ryanair experienced sales declines in 2004, however this will be discussed in further detail in this case analysis report. This report will highlight factors in both the internal and external business environment which are plaguing Ryanair in terms of maintaining a strategic orientation that is completely congruent with sales goals and growth initiatives. A micro- and macro-level analysis of the firm in 2004 is proposed in this report. PEST analysis is an acronym for political, economic, social an... Each of the aforementioned forces are categorised by a particular macro-level external influence, each of which directly impacts strategic direction at Ryanair. The external political environment is one of significant advantage to Ryanair, as the majority of its operations are contained within Europe. It is relatively common knowledge that this region maintains political stability, thus Ryanair does not experience issues with governmental instability in Europe as a concern regarding passenger volumes or flight destinations. However, outside of the European marketplace, the firm maintains significant economic difficulties posed by political forces such as OPEC, the organisation responsible for oil production in the Middle East. As the majority of international revenues in the Mid-East regions stem from oil and oil production/distribution, the current methodology of global supply chain (in relation to where oil is delivered based on price and overall demand) incurs large-scale costs to Ryanair who, like other business entities, is unable to secure low-cost fuel due to political forces which drive oil distribution. This assessment of the external political environment is well-supported by Ryanair documentation highlighting 2004 as a year of challenges stemming largely from the cost of oil which continued to escalate in this particular period (Annual Report, 2004). The economic environment in which Ryanair thrives in 2004 is relatively stable in terms of maintaining operations successfully and contributing to the financial well-being of European nations in the process. The European Union, consisting of a large quantity of developed countries in Europe, maintains a high value for its integrated currencies, suggesting that this region is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mother - Essay Example These suggestions used to appear awkward to me and I used to regard them as useless and boring. I never paid heed to her advice and continued hanging out with my friends whom I used to trust more than my mother. Then one fine day everything changed; my views about her changed and my heart got sunk in a state of regret. It was a chilled, stormy day and apparently the last day of our school. Everyone was excited about the party at night and there were celebrations all over our school. However, the weather gradually started getting worse and most of the people I knew cancelled their plans for the night. I got several calls from my mom as she was worried as to when I would get back home. The sky grew darker and was overshadowed with clouds. Lightening struck and it started raining in no time. Since I was with my high school friends, I did not find it appropriate to attend to my mother’s phone calls simply because I was worried what my friends would think of me. I tried to ignore the calls by not attending to them but soon my friends found out that my mom had been calling. Never had I felt as embarrassed as I did at that time. I switched off my phone and headed for the beach with my friends. The downpour was heavy and all the streets were choked with traffic. I started feeling scared and helples s as warnings were issued on the radio calling people to head towards their homes. The windscreen started losing clarity and the road ahead was barely visible. In a matter of seconds our car got sidetracked, hit another car and crashed into a pit. In a flash of time the cops came and took us to the hospital. I had been unconscious all that time and when the first time I opened my eyes I saw my mother standing right in front of me with tears in her eyes. I did not know what to say; I was speechless. My heart filled with regret all of a sudden and I could

Monday, July 22, 2019

Team Decision Making For At-Risk Families Essay Example for Free

Team Decision Making For At-Risk Families Essay Team decision making in regards to at risk-families involves supportive individuals who collaborate together to making decisions that will affect a child in the protection of the social welfare system placement. Batterson, et al, (Batterson,, 2007, p.5) states, â€Å"Team decision making utilizes the strength based resources of the family, extended family, and community in making decisions of placement for at-risk children who are in the care of child welfare.† This approach is important because it allows for individuals to come together to discuss and collaborate on placement solution in placing a child. In collaboration with the social worker those involved with team decision making are able to provide valuable information, resources and placement solutions that child welfare alone could not provide. Values and Beliefs of Team Decision Making The underlying values and beliefs of team decision making below are as stated by Edward Sagatun-Edward (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward I, 2007, p. 4) according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation are: ââ€" ª Families have strengths and can change families have the tools and resources that are needed in making decisions that can effect change. ââ€" ª We must set up opportunities for families to show their strengths –families must be provided with opportunities to demonstrate their strengths in making decisions ââ€" ª A group can usually be more effective in making good decisions than an individual – when a group collaborate there is an influx of ideas and solutions rather than one person trying to figure out a solution. ââ€" ª Families are experts about themselves – families know the inner working of the family dynamics and can relate to others about what is going on than someone else. They know the beliefs and values that are with their unique family structure. ââ€" ª When families are included in the decision making, they are capable of identifying their own needs and strengths – Instead of outsiders trying to determine and identify the family’s needs the family is able voice their needs as they identify the needs of the family and what they can contribute through their strengths. ââ€" ª Members of the family’s own community add value to the process by serving as natural allies to the family and as experts regarding the community’s resources – Relatives, friends, community leaders are valuable in TDM because they bring a different perspective in supporting the family with their resources. Team Decision Making Models Family Group Conferencing FGC is a model that is used to bring together a child, an immediate or extended family member and a child protection professional to resolve family issues in regards to child protection. These individuals will air out issues, come to a resolution of issues and develop a plan for future action ((Huntsman, 2006, p.1) Child Protection Mediation – CPM is a collaborative problem solving process involving an unbiased person who facilitates constructive mediation and communication between parents, lawyers, and child protection professionals in coming to an agreement on how to resolve concerns when a child is alleged to have been victim of maltreatment (Guidelines for Child Mediation, 2011, p.5). Wraparound Services Wraparound is an intensive, comprehensive model of engaging with children, youth, and their families who have complex needs so that the child or youth will not be uprooted from their homes or communities and in the process helping them to realiz e their hopes and dreams (Wraparound Basics, 2012). Family Finding Developed by Kevin A. Campbell is a model that offers techniques to track down and involve relatives of children currently displaced out of there natural home environment. The goal of Family Finding is to connect each child with a family member or relative, so that every child may benefit from the lifelong connections that only a family provides (National Institute For Permanent Family Connectedness, 2012). Emancipation Conferences An emancipation conference brings the youth together with family, professionals, and significant individuals in the youths life to establish a plan for the time when the youth will reach adulthood and age out of the child welfare system protection (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward, D. I, 2007, p. 9). Advantages of Team Decision Making Team decision making in regards to at-risk families has many advantages. Some advantages according to American Humane Association are: FGDM keeps children safe, result in more permanent placements, decrease the need for foster care, maintain family bonds, and increase family well-being (American Humane Association, 2010, p.1). Also according to De La Cruz, TDM relieves the caseworker from making difficult decision on own and when family members are allowed to get involved with the decision making process they are more apt in participating in decisions that are made in order to keep family intact (De La Cruz, L, 2007, p. 30). Barriers of Team Decision Making According to Edward Sagatun-Edward some barriers to team decision making is the capital it would take to implement the different team decision making models, the need for further staff training and development, and would add more stress to already overworked social workers (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward, D. I, 2007, p. 10). Although, these are barriers Edward Sagatun-Edward mention in the long run the cost would be nominal when considering the cost of keeping children in foster care and in the criminal justice system when they reach adulthood. Team Decision Making Impact schools Team decision making may impact schools in regards to working with an at-risk student by bringing together the student guardian or trusted friend, teacher and school social worker or psychologist to collaborate and make a decision on what steps need to be taken to ensure basic needs and educational needs are being met. For example, a student who suffers from oppositional defiant disorder risk being put into the juvenile court system due to truancy issues, risk being tossed out of his home and is on the verge of failing all of his courses. Team decision making can be utilized to make decisions on getting the youth on the right path. This would involve collaborating with the youth, family members or relative, school psychologist or social worker to discuss the underlying issues of what is really going on with the student and then coming to a consensus on a decision and plan of action to improve the student situation. This is just one way team decision making can impact schools. The important thing to remember is that in order to ensure a successful team decision method is effective is to have a strength-based mindset that involves the belief that everyone has strength and resources they can contribute to solve a solution. If this is taking into consideration within the school system there would be more freedom to collaborate in helping to solve difficult decisions. References Batterson, M., Crampton, D., Crea, T., Harris, F., Abramson Madden, A., Usher, L., Williams, J. (2007, February). Implementing Family to Family. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Child Welfare Policy Briefing: Family Group Decision Making. (2010, August 2). American Humane Association, 1(3), 1. Retrieved from De La Cruz, L. (2009). Implementation and Effectiveness of Team Decision Making In Sacramento County Child Welfare (Masters thesis). Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Edwards, J.L. Sagatun-Edwards, D.I. (2007). The transition to group decision making in child protection cases: Obtaining better results for children and families. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 58(1). Retrieved from Guidelines for Child Protection Mediation (2011, November). Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Huntsman, L. (2006, July). Family group conferencing in a child welfare context. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from What is Family Finding and Permanency (2012). In National Institute For Permanent Family Connectedness. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Wraparound basics (2012). In National

Animals Under Threat of Extinction

Animals Under Threat of Extinction More than 16,000 species of animals, birds, fish and plants are under serious threat of becoming extinct. Why is this, and is there anything we can do with it? Introduction: The panda, the tiger, the blue whale and the mountain gorilla. These are just a few examples of animals critically endangered with extinction. In fact, according to the IUCN Red List, about 22 percent of all mammal species are threatened by extinction. In this assignment, I will consider a statement in our English book; More than 16,000 species of animals, birds, fish and plants are under serious threat of becoming extinct. I chose this statement because I hadnt really considered the fact before, and was shocked after having done some research to find what extinction of that many species could mean to our planet. All I know at this point is what it says in the statement. What I would like to know after having written the assignment is whether this affects us or not and if it is a global problem. I would like to learn about extinction in general, and how species actually are extinct. I also want to find out if we can stop extinction, or if extinction is a natural part of species exist ence. Is this a global problem? Many of the endangered species are essential for other species survival, and in the long run, they might even play a big part of the existence of human beings. Every single species on earth is a part of a food chain. The extinction of a species may mean the end of another group of organisms. The eventual extinction of rainforests is a good example of this. The rainforests are a huge part of life on earth as we know it. It is assumed that between 50 and 70 percent of all species on earth are somehow connected to the rainforests, and research shows the rainforests hides millions of species yet to be discovered. Once, the glorious forests covered about 14 percent of the earths surface. Today, we are down to 6 percent, and it is decreasing by more than 6000 square metres every single day. This is not only a huge crisis for the wild life in the rainforests (research shows that nearly 150 species disappear every day because of the deforestation), but through the photosynthesis process, the rainforests are responsible for 28 percent of the earths oxygen turnover. This, combined with the heavy increase in the worlds population, might turn out to be a major problem. Additionally, by tearing down the rainforests, we might miss the cure for several deceases, considering that more than 25 percent of all natural medicines ever discovered, have their roots in the rainforests. We can assume that the last few remaining rainforests will be wiped of the face of the earth within 40 years. Extinction in general. The term extinction is used when a species reaches its end of existence. An estimated 99,9 percent of every species of animals and plants ever to have existed on our planet, are now extinct, and according to an environmental article in The Independant, scientists claim that about 50 percent of all existing species today will be extinct by the 22nd century. Most extinction happens before a race is even discovered. The definition extinction is used about a species when there are no more surviving members of the species that can reproduce, to create another generation of said species. Today, the group of extinct animals increases rapidly every day. According to a recent survey by the American Museum of Natural History, 70 percent thinks that this mass extinction is an even greater threat to our existence than climate changes. Most scientists also believe that the mass extinction and its consequences are greatly underestimated, and needs to be dealt with. Endangered species: According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, about 40 percent of every living organism on our planet is threatened with extinction. This, of course, only includes the little percentage of species discovered. There are different grades of endangerment, according to the IUCN Red List of endangered species, the first being Least Concern. This means the species faces no current threat of extinction. Some examples are the common mouse and the wood pigeon. Next category is Near threatened, and includes animals such as the tiger shark and the solitary eagle. These species may be threatened by extinction soon. The third category is called Conservation dependent. Some species under this category are the spotted hyena and the killer whale, and they are not critically endangered, but conservation programs are required . Vulnerable is the fourth grade, and these species, including the komodo dragon and the polar bear, are currently facing a risk of becoming extinct. The blue whale and the giant panda are species categorised as Endangered, and are in near future facing a great risk of becoming extinct. The species under the category Critically Endangered are facing an extreme risk of becoming extinct in near future. A species in this group is the mountain gorilla. Extinct in the wild is the category with species where only members of the species in captivation exist. The last category is Extinct, and the species under this category have reached theyre end of existence. There are no living individuals of the species. The Extinct category includes the dodo, the mammoth and more recently, the Baiji river dolphin (the species was declared extinct in 2006) and the West-African black rhinoceros (declared extinct in 2006). Why and how does a species get extinct? There are several ways for a species to get extinct. One way for a species to get extinct is if a species in its food chain faces extinction. For example, in a specific forest, the fox, the rabbit and the grass may be a part of a food chain, where the main part of the foxs diet consists of rabbits, which main diet consists of grass. If one year, the amount of grass is lower than usual, the rabbits may be failing in numbers as well, due to lack of food, and this could lead to that the amount foxes will decrease as well, because they will have a smaller amount of rabbits to feed on. In this scenario, the fox would probably go ahead and find another main source of food, but lets say the food chain is to only consist of these three species. The next year, because the amount of rabbits being eaten by foxes is lower, because the foxes didnt have as much food as usual, and the number of foxes is lower than usual, there would be an increase in the stock of rabbits. The next year again, the n umber of foxes would increase, because there is more rabbits to feed on. And like this, the food chain runs in a loop. This shows that all species depend on each other, and the amount of one species depends on the amount of another species. Climate changes are another reason for animal extinction, and the main reason for the growing concern of the polar bears existence. According to this article from a Norwegian online newspaper, the polar bears are forced to swim much longer distances than before, because of the melting of the Arctic ice. This is a huge problem for the polar bear cubs, which simply are born with a layer of fat to thin to survive for long in the ice-cold water. The melting of the ice also means it is increasingly more difficult for the polar bears to find food. Another reason for species extinction is human interaction. The dodo and the West-African black rhinoceros are great examples of this. The dodo was first seen in the early 1600s when Dutch sailors discovered the island Mauritius. The dodo had stubby wings, and was heavy and slow, an easy target for hungry Dutchmen. In less than 80 years, the dodo was extinct. The sailors who ate them and the fact that their nests were destroyed by rodents the sailors had brought with them. The West-African black rhinoceros horn was believed to be a form for aphrodisiac in parts of Yemen and China, so the species was a popular target for hunters. The species was declared extinct, when conservationists where unable to find any remaining individuals, in 2006. Conclusion. I believe there is no way for us people to stop extinction caused by natural changes, as it is a natural part of a species existence. However, endangered species caused by human actions, such as species being hunted for a part of the animal, like elephants tusks, sharks fins and rhinoceros horns is possible to stop by refuse to support these actions. The same is for the destruction of the rainforests, which I believe we need to do something about. Species extinction caused by climate changes, on the other hand, I dont think we are going to be able to stop. We cant undo whatever damage we have already caused our planet. If the climate changes turns out to be a part of human actions though, we may be able to stop future extinctions caused by changes in the climate.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay Introduction Strategic spatial planning is arguably an approach which rails against the discourse of the scientific rational comprehensive models of planning which has and still does hold a large influence in current modes of planning. This short essay will hopefully explain to planners why a strategic spatial planning approach is more conducive in the current context which we find ourselves in. This will be done through answering a set of questions which will clarify the approach, its purpose and methods, how it differs from rational comprehensive approaches of master planning and land use planning, why planners should use it, what can be expected from it, and its usefulness. What is Strategic Spatial Planning? Strategic spatial planning is a method to help solve complex spatial problems through creating strategic visions and new spatial identities. According to Kaufman and Jacobs (in Albrechts, 2001) strategic systems originated in the US around the 1950s due to the need for rapidly changing and growing corporations to plan effectively and manage their futures at a time when the future seemed unclear. In Europe, strategic spatial planning dated back to the 1920s and 30s, and was used to direct the activities of others (Mastop in Albrechts, 2001). From Albrechts (2006) it can be understood that the word spatial brings into focus the where of things, the creation and management of special places and sites as well as the interrelations between different activities in an area, and significant intersections and nodes within an area. This spatial focus allows for a more effective way of integrating different agendas such as, economic, social, and cultural and their spatial impacts (Albrechts, 2006). The word strategy has its roots within a military context; in ancient battle armies would work out a strategy prior to the battle on how best to overcome the enemy. It is understood that this type of strategy had four basic elements an accurate understanding of the real situation, realistic goals, focused resources in areas where they would be most effective, and persistence of the action until the desired outcome is achieved (Albrechts, 2010). These elements are strongly rooted in systems of strategic spatial planning. In its entirety, strategic spatial planning is a process which is directed at a limited number of strategic key issue areas. It determines an areas strengths and weaknesses in the context of its opportunities and threats; it scans external trends, and the resources that are available. It gathers major public and private stakeholders and allows for a broad and diverse process of involvement. It develops a realistic long-term vision along with strategies in order to manage and influence spatial change. Importantly it is orientated towards decisions, actions, results, and implementation, in the short, medium and long-term (Albrechts, 2001). It is indeed impossible to understand material places and social nodes such as the city, the city-region and the region in terms of a one-dimensional hierarchy of scales (Albrechts, 2010:6). This definition illustrates that strategic spatial planning is not a single concept or procedure, but it is a set of concepts, procedures and tools that are tailored carefully to whatever situation is presented (Albrecht, 2001). Moreover it is a development-led approach and a transformative and integrative, public sector-led, and socio-spatial process through which a vision, coherent actions and means for implementation are produced; these are then able to shape and frame what a place is and its potential of what it may become (Albrechts, 2006) How does it differ from MASTER PLANNING and LAND USE PLANNING? In order to understand the difference one needs to understand the rationale of land use planning and master planning. Land use planning is a process of planning which is concerned with the location, intensity, form, amount, and harmonization of land development required for a variety of spatial uses; such as housing, industry, recreation, transport, education, and agriculture. A land use plan in this instance basically embodies a proposal as to how land should be used within a set of considered policy as expansion and restructuring progress in the future (Albrechts, 2004). Traditional land use planning is a more passive planning approach aimed at controlling land use through a zoning system and through regulations. This according to Albrechts (2006) seems unfit for bridging the gap between plan-making, political decision-making and implementation. This was one of the reasons why the need arose for a different type of planning a move away from regulatory policy and instruments to a development-led approach which aims to intervene more directly, coherently and selectively in social reality and development strategic spatial planning (Albrechts, 2006). For Albrechts (2001) strategic spatial planning is to a certain extent rendered towards an integrated socio-economic course of action that supersedes the mere focus on land use planning. For Master Planning on the other hand, Friedman (2007) found that it is almost a universally accepted form of planning practice. His survey found that in country after country, cities through their governments are mandated to produce master plans. Essentially within these master plans countries specify future land uses and location decisions. Master planning is a completely static practice and according to Friedman (2007) it needs to be rethought as it is out of line with the dynamic flows of globalisation. Friedman (2007) defines master planning as being typically municipal plans rather than regional plans, and as being exclusively concerned with land use rather than with the total spectrum of urban policy issues. They are drawn up by a specialized branch of municipal government rather than through a wider process of collaborative deliberation, and the process used to draw up master plans and getting them approved takes years thus rendering them out-dated by the time they can be implemented. Also they are top-down, with relatively minimum citizen participation, and lastly when it comes to large scale projects; master plans are often set aside to allow for necessary changes in land use and circulation patterns (Friedman, 2007). Opposing this, spatial planning is derived not from an official, mandatory character like master planning but from a role that coordinates instruments closely intertwined with urban policy formation and the design and implementation of large-scale projects. Spatial planning involves a range of actors that include communities, government officials and private stakeholders. The main purpose of spatial planning is not to mandate particular land uses as is in the instance of master planning but to allow for a better coordination of urban policies and large-scale project developments across space, to test alternative policies and designs through revising their social implications, and to allow for an informed public discourse about them (Friedman, 2007). In cities such as the new downtown peninsula of Vancouver, master planning has been abandoned for systems of spatial planning in which planning proceeds by way of involving public hearings, bargaining, and negotiations. The results of this transition over a period of 25 years are testimony to the viability not only of the Vancouver model but also of the more abstract spatial planning model (Friedman, 2007). What are its main PURPOSES and METHODS? Strategic spatial planning as mentioned earlier is used for complex problems where authorities at different levels and different sectors and private actors are mutually dependant (Albrecht, 2001). The model designs plan-making structures and develops content, images and decision frameworks which can influence and manage spatial change. It is about constructing new ideas and processes that can carry these structures through, thus generating ways of understanding, ways of consensus, and ways of organising and mobilizing for the purpose of exerting influence in different arenas (Albrecht, 2006). Both is the short and long term, strategic spatial planning focuses on framing decisions, actions, projects, results and implementation, and incorporates monitoring, feedback, adjustment and revision of the outcome. Its purpose therefore is not a new ideology preaching a new world order but as a method for creating and steering a better future for a place based on shared values (Albrechts, 2006). Albrechts (2006) goes further on to explain that the seven main aims of a strategic project are to develop an integrated innovative approach for the various project types; to develop a fully operational framework based on sustainability; to develop tools for quality management; to broaden the multi-actor/multi-level policy settings and to evaluate current settings; to disseminate the approach; to develop an educational model; and to establish a network of knowledge between researchers, professionals, and governments (Albrechts, 2006). The capacity for these projects to deliver the desired outcome is dependant firstly on the system itself and on the conditions underlying it such as structural constraints, and political, cultural, and professional attitudes towards spatial planning. The planning process is not intended to flow smoothly from one phase to the next. It is a dynamic and creative process wherein new views and facts that arise today may alter the decisions made yesterday (Albrechts, 2010). This illustrates that it is never a fixed process but is in a continuous start of change from beginning to end. The visions and frames which guide this process are never a given, rather they are to be constructed. The process of envisioning is the process by which groups develop visions of future states for themselves, their organisations, city, or their region that are clear, powerful and realistic. Essentially this means that the visions are to be constructed within a specific context and scale regarding issues that are of interest within that space and within a particular combination of actors. This is to be done within a method that fully recognises the conditions of power, inequality, and diversity. The vision describes a city or region as it may look like in the future, and it must appeal to the long-term interests of actors who have a stake in the city or region (Albrechts, 2010:8). Why do this kind of planning? Strategic spatial planning projects conduct an in-depth study of the area, thus giving preference to the location being affected over anything else. With this these projects study external trends and the resources available therefore allowing for a broad and diverse process. Also, by making use of this type of planning, planners are able to target a variety of areas; including urban, rural, and economic areas (Albrechts, 2006). In the instance of urban areas, strategic urban projects are useful as they aim to consolidate, transform, restructure or reuse the urban areas for new and emerging demands from public and private actors. With regards to rural areas, strategic projects are useful as they aim to transform rural and suburban dynamics into a more sustainable and qualitative form of development while not forgetting to enhance the cultural meaning of these spaces. Lastly, economic areas are seen as an important part of the effort to keep up international economic competitiveness. Strategic projects seek to turn away from the old concept of business parks spatial concept and management to a focus on the requirements of firms that are to be translated into specifically designed employment locations (Albrechts, 2006). And what can we expect from it? This question can be divided into two parts; we as planners and we as the public and private actors. First, the essay will intend to the address the latter part. Strategic spatial planning projects are strategic to achieve visions, goals, and objectives from a variety of policy sectors, and are to integrate the community being affected. Visions is arguably one of the most important factors of strategic projects as they are expected to be placed within the specific context, place, time and level, and are to regard specific issues that are of interest to the different actors (Albrechts, 2006). Essentially what can be expected from strategic spatial planning projects is a critical analysis of the main processes and structural constraints which shape spaces, which adds into a realistic, dynamic, integrated, and indicative long-term vision. It will provide a plan for short-term and long-term actions, a budget, and a flexible strategy for implementation (Albrechts, 2010). In terms of the projects eventual implementation, it will provide credible commitments to action engagement and a clear and explicit link to the budget thus allowing for citizens, private-sector, different levels of governance, and planners to enter a consensus (Albrechts, 2010). We as planners will expect a different set of tools, tools which will guide the planner on what to expect when acting as a strategic spatial planner. For Albrechts (2010), he finds it unthinkable that the planner should act merely as a neutral observer and refrain from playing a role in the construction of visions and images. Instead, Albrechts suggests that planners should be necessarily involved, and instrumental in substantiating, formulating and implementing images and visions. This is a logical perspective, as if planners merely observe, there expertise in certain situations are not shared, and their usefulness would be greatly undermined. Strategic spatial planners are to instead, challenge their own mental discourse which limit their creativity, and start anew thus allowing for their creativity and resourcefulness to flow and to be used in formulating, designing, and building new concepts and discourses (Albrechts, 2010). How useful is it? Strategic spatial planning is a flexible process that deals with complex problems and is able to mend to a wide range of problems, but also deals with each problem uniquely. This characteristic makes the approach very useful as it applies to a range of different issues. For example; the city of Barcelona started using a strategic planning approach in 1988 in order to enhance the cooperation between the public and private sector with the hope that the enhancement will strengthen the position of the city as a candidate for the Olympic Games (Albrechts, 2010). The city of Turin which was inspired by Barcelona also undertook a strategic approach in the mid 1990s, for Turin this formed the basis for rethinking the potential of a former monopolistic town that had been highly affected by the rise of the automobile industry. The aim for Strategic spatial planning here was to transform Turin into a European metropolis a city of activities and know-how (Albrechts, 2010:5). For the city of Bilbao, the vision was to transport the city into the economic, financial, and cultural capital of the Atlantic Arc. Lastly, for Prague, strategic spatial planning focused on integrating the city into European structures (Albrechts, 2010). From this it is clear that strategic spatial planning is applicable to a diverse range of issues and can adapt easily to what is required in the context for which it is envisioning, thus rendering it a useful approach to planning. Conclusion From the information discussed in this essay the approach of strategic spatial planning has been explained. Through using such an approach to planning it can be deduced that spaces can be become more active and interactive both on a local scale and the sectors within that scale and on an international scale. In short, episodes of strategic spatial planning informed by relational complexity concepts which accumulate sufficient power to travel effectively and have enduring material and mental effects should be judged in the long-term in terms of their capacity to enrich the imaginative resources, creative energies and governance cultures through which quality of life and experience of diverse citizens and stakeholders in particular places are likely to be enhanced. (Healey, 2006:19)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alice Munros Boys and Girls :: Boys and Girls, Alice Munro

Alice Munro's "Boys and Girls" Alice Munro's short story, "Boys and Girls," has a very interesting detail written into it. The narrator's brother is named Laird, which was carefully chosen by the author. Laird is a synonym for lord, which plays a important role in a story where a young girl has society's unwritten rules forced upon her. At the time of the story, society did not consider men and women equal. The name symbolized how the male child was superior in the parents' eyes and in general. Along with that, the name also symbolizes the difference between the sexes when this story took place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The time when this story took place was a time when men and women were not equal. Mothers had traditional roles, which usually left them in the house, while men also had their roles, outside of the house. The male was the dominant figure in the house, while the woman had to be subservient. It was an off thing to see my mother down at the barn. She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something - hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden. She looked out of place, with her bare lumpy legs, not touched by the sun, her apron still on and damp across the stomach from the supper dishes.1 The narrator had problems coming to terms with the role in life that she was expected to lead. She wanted to work outside with her father doing the work that she deemed important. The mother tried to get the narrator to work inside doing work deemed appropriate for a lady, however it was not something she enjoyed. "I hated the hot dark kitchen in the summer" (p. 530). The narrator was not considered of any consequential help to her father, simply because she was female. "Could of fooled me," said the salesman. "I thought it was only a girl" (p. 529). Even though the narrator could do more work than her younger brother, she was still under appreciated. "Wait till Laird gets a little bigger, then you'll have a real help" (p. 530). Laird, on the other hand, was able to go out and do the things that he enjoyed. When Flora, the family's horse, runs away Laird is invited to join the father and his assistant to re-capture the horse, while the narrator must stay at home. When the narrator is reminiscing of the past, she recalls a time when she lured Laird up to the top of the barn. The whole purpose of this idea was

Friday, July 19, 2019

Importance of Mountains in Kerouacs Dharma Bums and Barthelmes The Gl

Importance of Mountains in Kerouac's Dharma Bums and Barthelme's The Glass Mountain   Ã‚  Ã‚   Mountains are significant in the writing of Jack Kerouac and Donald Barthelme as symbolic representations of achievement and the isolation of an individual from the masses of the working class in industrialized capitalist American society. The mountains, depicted by Kerouac and Barthelme, rise above the American landscape as majestic entities whose peaks are touched by few enduring and brave souls. The mountains of Kerouac's The Dharma Bums symbolize personal freedom and accomplishment through achieving a connection with nature distant from the constraints of materialism and a polluted industrialized American society. Barthelme's "Glass Mountain," however, envisions a mountain removed from nature as a modern skyscraper office building, an edifice that embodies the degradation of an emerging American society in the 1960s that is in search of "the American Dream" through material or monetary gains. "The Glass Mountain" remarks on the movement of Americans away from nature, religion, and humanity as they look to false golden idols (the golden castle at the top of the mountain) for inspiration to be successful, while Kerouac's The Dharma Bums emphasizes a return to nature and devout religiousness to inspire virtues of charity, kindness, humility, zeal, tranquility, wisdom, and ecstasy (p. 5). The top of the mountain, for both authors, represents a fearful ascent from the masses of the working class huddled in polluted cities in order to achieve a heightened state of knowledge and success, but both explorers fall short of true fulfillment because they are never far removed from human flaws of greed, excess, and materia... ...est of the world from the top is better than actually doing it. The mountains also represent the struggle of the lower classes in American society to achieve wealth for the sake of happiness and fulfillment. What Americans seeking wealth do not realize is that the top is a lonely place, devoid of the longing for material possession that keeps them going in life. The thrill of climbing the mountain, or the corporate ladder, is always more rewarding than looking down from the top to see the ugliness of the city below and regretting that they must return to this ugliness of competition and greed in order to sustain their own pitiful human existence.    Bibliography Barthelme, Donald. "The Glass Mountain." The New American Poetry., Allen, Donald, ed. Berkeley, Ca.: U. Calif. Press, 1999. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: Penguin., 1976.

Cocaine and the Brain: The Neurobiology of Addiction Essay -- Biology

Cocaine and the Brain: The Neurobiology of Addiction In the eyes of the public, the word addict stirs up a negative image: a person of low moral character who willfully chooses to engage in questionable behavior. This image is perpetuated in the media; on a recent episode of E.R., the chief surgeon criticizes another doctor for allowing a heroin addict (who has been treated for an abscess) to exchange a dirty needle, explaining "we donà ¢t want these low-lives hanging around the hospital." The social stigma attached to addicts reflects the great gap that exists between scientific knowledge and public perception of addiction. Just as mental illness was viewed as a social problem instead of a medical issue until the last several decades, drug addiction continues to be seen as a character flaw instead of as the biological problem that it is. As defined by the American Psychiatric Association, addiction is a "chronically relapsing disorder that is characterized by three major elements: (a) compulsion to seek and take the drug, (b) loss of control in limiting intake, and (c) emergence of a negative emotional state when access to the drug is prevented" (1). This disorder results from the repeated use of a drug over a prolonged period of time, causing physical changes in the brain. Perhaps the most addictive of drugs is cocaine. Cocaine acts on the mesoaccumbens dopamine (DA) pathway of the midbrain, extending from the ventral tegumental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc). (2). This pathway is also known as the reward pathway as it is the area of the brain that is activated when someone has a pleasurable experience such as eating, sex, or receiving praise. (NOTE: The reward pathway was discovered through the technique of...$srccat%25a3pubtitle%25a4%22The%20Lancet%22%25a3srclf%25a4%25a3srclf_group%25a4%25a3srclf_title%25a4%25a3&wchp=dGLSzS-lSlAl&_md5=9d45ca951ebfccd3b6596b38d0b83ce7 19) Combining Drug Counseling Methods Proves Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction , Information on drug counseling 20) Coping Skills Help Patients Recognize and Resist the Urge to Use Cocaine , Information on therapy for cue-induced relapse

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hrm Interventions Essay

It is also an important and comprehensive approach to manage employees in the workplace environment. HRM needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to ensure effective use of people and provide better returns to the organizations in terms of ROI (Return on Investment) for every rupee or dollar spent on them. If the HRM continues to practice this way it will lead to the success of the organization and also the organization will start utilizing its employee capabilities completely. Human resources are the most difficult resources to manage in an organization. HRM is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, programs and also about developing and managing knowledge, skills, creativity and talent. HRM focuses on managing physical and emotional capacity of employees. As a result of this the range of HRM is developing day-by-day. Hence, HRM manages harmonious relationships in an organization along with maintaining a balance between organizational goals and individual goals. There are three human resource management interventions: Performance management, Career planning and development and work force diversity. Organization’s human resource specialists perform these change processes. Performance management is an integrated process in which an organizational employees are involved either individually or within a team to achieve its goals and policies. Employee performance management includes: 1)Planning 2)Monitoring 3)Developing 4)Rating 5)Rewarding 1)Planning: It means setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to use their abilities to achieve organization objectives. Employees should be involved in the planning process to understand the goals of the organization. Performance appraisal plans are developed to evaluate the performance of a team or an individual by a manager or a supervisor. Performance appraisal plans should be official working documents that are put into effect. 2) Monitoring:In this stage the performance of employees is monitored and feedback is provided to the employees about their performance. Monitoring continually will help the organization to check the standards of the employees and also help them to make changes to meet the standards of the organization. This can be done by conducting status meeting and submitting reports about their progress. Any unacceptable performance can be identified at any time with the help of continuous monitoring. 3)Developing: In this phase of the process the organization helps the employees to develop their skills by providing training. Training helps the employees to improve their performance, boost their job-related skills and to withstand the changes in the workplace such as the introduction of new technology. Lack of performance of the employees can be developed in this stage and help them to achieve more goals of the organization. )Rating:In this stage the organization evaluates the performance of the employees against the standards of the organization’s performance plan. By rating the organization will come to know about its best employees. This can be done by maintaining rating record which compares the performance of the employees from time to time . The rating of record is assigned according to procedures included in the organization’s appraisal program. It is based on wo rk performed during an entire appraisal period. 5)Rewarding: Rewarding means appreciating employeesfor their performance. It can be done in different ways such as saying simple words like thank you and rewarding employees with awards based on their performance. Rewards can either be formal or informal. Therefore, all the five components in the performance management process work and support each other for effective development of the organization. Second and most important HRM intervention is Career planning and development. Nowadays most of the organizations have adopted career planning and development to increase communication and healthy environment among the employees which will result in the effective growth of their organizations. Career development programs are required to the people irrespective of age and gender for the development of the organizations. Career is the progress and actions of a person related to occupation throughout a lifetime. Different stages are present in a person’s career. There are five stages in a person’s career-Growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and disengagement/withdrawal. Growth (4-13 years of age) is the initial stage in a person’s career where the person thinks about his/her future. Second stage is exploration (early teens to mid-twenties) where the person becomes definite about occupational choice. They do many trial jobs before deciding on their appropriate field to work. Third stage is establishment (mid-twenties to mid-forties) where the person establishes in a long-term in their chosen field. Maintenance (mid-forties to mid-sixties) is the fourth stage in which the person achieves successes in their career. They also tend to help their subordinates as they are more experienced. They try to maintain stability in their job. Last and final stage in career is disengagement/withdrawal (mid-sixties) in which the person takes retirement and try to explore new jobs. Career development helps people to achieve their career objectives. It can be linked to career planning at different stages. It includes managing a person’s career between different organizations. Career development interventions can be used for many goals. These interventions are mainly designed for young employees rather than managers. Some of the interventions which are related to career stages are as follows: realistic job preview is related to establishment which helps the person to know the work requirements. Developmental training helps the person to gain knowledge to reach their goals. This intervention is related to establishment and maintenance stages in career planning. Performance feedback and coaching comes under establishment stage which helps the person to know about their performance. Work life balance planning helps the person to maintain balance between personal and professional life. It comes under establishment and maintenance stages . Challenging assignments keeps the person engaged with interesting and creates an enthusiasm towards work. This comes under maintenance stage. Dual-career accommodations comes nder maintenance stage and it helps the person to find satisfying work projects. Phased retirement falls under withdrawal stage of a person’s career where the person retires from the job. All these interventions will result in various desired consequences such as increases job satisfaction and commitment, monitors human resources development, strengthens organizational capability, improves quality of life, maintains member motivation, increase s productivity ,decreases stress in later stages of life and also reduce turnover and training costs for the organization. Work force diversity interventions are the third type of HRM interventions. Organizations should develop their human resources in such a way that it should maintain diversity in an efficient manner. People from various regions may work together in an organization. They may differ in various ways like age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality traits, ethnicity and culture. An organization with diverse workforce can better achieve its goals. Employees from diverse workforce can learn more and achieve more experience as they work in a mixed environment. Other than the employees of the organization, clients can also gain profit from it as the organization which encourages diverse workforce will be more open and flexible. As people come from various cultures and backgrounds in diverse work force they can learn more business practices. Employees can develop their knowledge, communication skills, problem-solving capabilities through diverse workforce. All the employees need to be trained to work either individually or as a part of a team.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Does Shakespeare successfully present Henry V Essay

My interpretation of a hacek is somebody who is sincere and caring. They moldinessiness be polite and well troopsnered. psyche who is strong and has a strong entrust in a tough situation. A person who is hero sandwichic, fearless, prevail and courageous e actually(prenominal) in all rolled into wizard. A person who isnt afraid to regulate what they believe in. They essentialiness be confident and determined to look unwrap something through to the significant end and to postulate for what is theirs. A person who is a commodity speaker and can put their transfer across to an earshot. They must be on the watch to make sacrifices as part of their job.Al atomic number 19gh all of the above things are alpha attri alonees of a hero I echo at that place are deuce more than than important attri butes. The first is to be dog analogous. To be loyal to your friends, family and country. Without loyalty there can never be trust. The second is the ability to change. To stimulate there is something wrong with you or your place and to do something intimately it. Ely and Canterbury sacrifice words most one of these attributes in fiddle one convulsion one of the coquette. The ability to change. Shakespeare writes round one of the main attributes of a hero in the very first persuasion.When Canterbury looks clog up on the prospect of enthalpy creation a might he says that, The courses of his youthfulness promised it non. Canterbury believes this because as a youth, His companies unlettered, rude and shallow, His hours modify up with riots, banquets, sports, And never noned him each study. As heat content grows older though, never was such a sudden scholarly person made. atomic number 1 changes because he knew he had to. That takes finis and courage. No matter what anyone said he followed it through and did what he had to do.In the very first scene of the play atomic number 1 is already being talked most in front we throw ev en met him. Shakespeare has done this because he is giving total heat a veridical heros entrance, bonny like in any good film, he is utilize outing the interview who he is and what he does. Canterbury and Ely are setting the scene and move to make his entrance seem dramatic. Shakespeare does this to arrange the audience that Henry is a long-familiar and well-talked about person. In other haggle Shakespeare is show the audience that Henry is powerful.In prompt one expectation two Henry is introduced to us for the first time. A first impression of him would be that he is very diplomatic and polite. Sure, we thank you. My lettered lord, we pray you to proceed. afterwards on in the scene though, when the french challenge him he does non turn it down. Henry is meditate whether to stake a claim to the French throne. When he is sent a vexing gift of, Tennis balls, my liege. He acts on his instincts and declares war on France. This is very jolly because it leaves him ope n to criticism and it could turn out to be the wrong decision.In dally two Scene two Henry finds out that terzetto of his lords, and friends, are traitors. He is upset by this, What shall I say to thee, Lord Scroop, thou cruel, Ingrateful, savage and frigid creature? Although they are his friends he exists that he must, Arrest them to answer to the law. They are his friends but like any hero he must make sacrifices. Being a hero isnt conscionable about fighting or being brave its also about mentation about and helping others. In Act three Scene one Shakespeare shows Henry giving a moving lecturing to his soldiers out positioning the walls of Harfleur.Once more unto the breach, lovemaking friends On, on you noble English Be copy now to men of grosser breed, And instruct them how to war Cry divinity for Harry, England and saint George Henry just doesnt go into dispute and expect everybody to win. He knows how they must be feeling and he tries to go on them. Henry als o demonstrates that he is unbidden to do everything that his job entails. Shakespeare shows the audience other(prenominal)(prenominal) heroic quality by, instead of send one of Henrys soldiers to do something for him, he writes it so that Henry does it himself.This is shown in Act three Scene four when he says, How barely resolves the governor of the town? This is the latest parle we bring forth out admit, Therefore to our best mercy assign yourselves. Henrys strong words push the regulator of Harfleur to give in. As soon as Henry and his army are let into Harfleur he is viewing good first by already thinking about the beside stage, Upon the soldiers, we get out retire to Calais. Shakespeare shows the audience again of Henrys heroism by video display us he can be polite and that he has good humannessners. How now, Llewellyn? Camest thou from the bridge? Although Henry is like a friend to his soldiers, just like a hero Shakespeare shows us that Henry must lay out up to his responsibilities. Bardolph has been caught stealing and he says, We would have all such offenders so cut off in our confines through the country there be nothing compelled from the villages. Even though things arent handout as well as they should be Henry doesnt give up. In response to Montjoys offer for him to anticipate his ransom he says, My army but a weak and sickly guard. Yet, God before, tell him we will surveil on Through France himself and such another inhabit stand in our way. Yet again in this extract of a legal transfer Henry shows his strong beliefs in God. all(prenominal) of the above quotations came from Act three scene seven. Shakespeare makes the play very dramatic by utilise a chorus at the beginning of every act. These are very effective because it gives the audience a sampler of what is going to happen but not enough to explain the act fully. This core that the audience want to know what is going to happen and when something does happen it make s it all the more dramatic. In Act four Scene one Shakespeare presents us the audience, with Henrys many heroic qualities.Not showing any signs of worry or break ininess he tries his best to raise the esprit de corps of his soldiers. There is some soul of virtue in things evil For our bad dwell makes us early stirrers, Which is both(prenominal) curative and good husbandry. Henry also shows us like any hero or any person that he has feelings. He borrows a cloak and walks around the camp down asking people what they think of him. King Then you are a transgress man than the king. Pistol the kings a bawock and a feel of gold, a lad of feel, an imp of fame, of parents good, of fist most valiant. Later on in an principle (while in disguise) with Bates Henry stresses, I think the king is but a man as I am. The violet smells to him as it doth to me. Shakespeare shows the audience that Henry has a different side to his personality, he is caring and understanding. instead p roclaim it, Westmorland, though my host That he which hath no stomach to this fight allow him depart. He then shows us that he isnt just all talk and that he is brave by saying, We few, we blissful few, we band of brothers-For he to solar day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother. Henry again refers back up to his belief in God by saying, Take it, brave York. Now soldiers, demo away, And how Thou pleasest, God, dispose the day. He shows us this in Act four Scene three. You know when someone is a real hero because another person compares him or her to an already famous hero. Shakespeare does this in Act four Scene seven when Llewellyn compares Henry to Alexander, If you mark Alexanders life well, Harry of Monmouths life is come after it in incident well. Later on Henry shows again that he does have feelings.All of the boys guarding the luggage have been killed, I was not angry since I came to France Until this instant. When Henry knows that they have won the battl e he is not bumbleful this is another great attribute of a hero shown very clearly to the audience by Shakespeare. Instead he says, P increase be God, and not our strength, for it. He then shows that he is not afraid to show everybody his roots. I wear it for a memorable honour, For I am Welsh, you know, good countryman. Even though he is enjoying the moment of winning he has to shell on with his job, Bring me just witness of the numbers dead On both our parts. Once again Henry refers to God, To boast of this, or to take that praise from God, Which is His scarcely but with this acknowledgement, That God fought for us. During the battle Shakespeare uses another dramatic device by using very short scenes whilst everyone is fighting. This means that everything is eternally changing and the audience doesnt know what is going to happen next. It also builds up tension because Shakespeare is moving from one camp to the next. One minute you are in the French camp then the next you a re in the English camp. later on winning the battle Henry has to get back to his duties as king. Shakespeare shows the audience this side of Henry to show us that he is not just wrapped up in the glory of winning, he instead shows us that he is a veritable hero and still will face up to his responsibilities. Peace to this meeting, wherefor we are met. He then shows that a hero is just like any other man by trying to court the French kings daughter, Katherine. Fair Katherine if you will love me soundly with your French heart I will be jocund to hear you confess it brokenly with your English spitAn angel is like you And therefore tell me, most fair Katherine, will you have me? After agreeing the peace treaty Henry says, prepare we for our marriage The above quotations were interpreted from Act Five Scene Two. boilers suit I think Shakespeare has been very victorious in presenting Henry as a hero. He is everything a hero could be. He has shown the audience that a hero could be sitting amongst them, that a hero is just an ordinary man or woman. The audience can relate to this because one day they themselves know that they could be a hero.I also think that the play was more effective in Elizabethan quantify than it is now. This is because when Shakespeare wrote this particular play Queen Elizabeth was glide path to the end of a very happy rein and she had no one to bring home the bacon her. The Elizabethan community were very dysphoric that there wouldnt be anybody as good to take over, especially not a man. Shakespeare then wrote this play showing a truly heroic, male King. This raised the hopes of the Elizabethan people and made the play ofttimes more effective and much more popular.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

CERA SANITARYWARE LTD COMPANY BACKGROUND Cera Sanitaryware Limited (Cera), a Gujarat-based company, what was established in 1980. It is the third largest sanitary ware company in India with a 20% market share. Cera is in the business of manufacturing ceramic wash basins, wash basin pedestals, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures and also in the business of trading of power. Its sanitaryware manufacturing plant is located at Kadi in Gujarat.It what does not have any material subsidiary.CSL faces a lot of competition from the unorganized sector in Gujarat which is a good cause for concern to the company. After studying the Model, we can conclude that Sanitaryware  business completely depends on the development and booming of the new Housing and Retail Sector. Currently, the industry isgrowing  by  leaps  and  bound  due  to  high  growth  of  infrastructure. In near future, the great phase of consolidation free wi ll start.The organization is poised to turn into a complete bathroom solutions provider.

†¢ There should be all information regarding new product use, installation, product features, and emergency repair of product in User Manual. †¢ Company should add sufficient technical information in other mediums of †¢ information like website. So potential customer can use alternate way for †¢ information. †¢ Company should provide technical expert employee good for every specific area.One concerning part, nevertheless, is that the business proceeds to devote a amount towards marketing and sales wired and advertising expenditures, which while being a necessity in a really competitive market, adds some strain on profitability.Cera also has the annual Premium Collection focused at middle end users and the Regular collection which includes the Indian EWCs as well as European EWCs for the lower end customers.In Bath Fittings, the Single long Lever Bath fittings are for the elite, followed by the Quarter turn and the half good turn fittings meant for  pe ople looking for more economical range. 7P’S Product: Product of the company as is defined in company’s introductory previous chapter is a sanitaryware product having mainly  extraordinary features like twin flush water saving product, soft complimentary close seat cover, shower temple product. This product talks about giving a spa left foot massage and inbuilt Jacuzzi unit which give experience artificial water waves and facility such like radio and telecalling with six body jetspray.By appearing elsewhere you may locate an incredible investment.

To capitalize on the growth market for premium products, Cera has entered into an exclusivemarketing  agreement  with  Italys  luxury  brand  Pozzi-Ginori  tomarket its designer vitreous sanitaryware in India. Promotion: Cera sanitaryware ltd. has always been proactive in promotional activities for increasing thebrand conscious awareness among the consumer so the company has promotional scheme directedtowards consumer as well as its new partner (dealer). Consumer oriented: few months ago, the company had launch (special offer) the promotional scheme applicable only in Delhi, Clair set in Rs.Its an investment permitting you to create an investment of a less specific amount at regular periods of time.employees need to be highly trained and qualified. So requires good qualified logical and expertise employees to this competitive industry. Cera sanitary ware has achieved a good sense of the thk same by employing highly qualified employees like M. B.Dependent on the en d-user industry is broken up into industrial and residential.

Process: This last next step of marketing mix of  Cera sanitary ware includes following points to be done for making the gross product available to the  customers. †¢Consumer  oriented:  few  months  ago,  the  company  hadlaunch  (special  offer)  the  promotional  scheme  applicableonly in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. Partner  oriented:  gold  scheme,  silver  scheme  and  foreigntravel scheme.Its other possible to get any of the brands mentioned before.†¢These all documents are then submitted to Head Office at Ahmedabad. †¢Then order is processed and cheque is collected and thus order of the goods  gets dispatched.STP of SENATOR COLLECTION Segmentation: The segmentation of immune SERA products has been done as follows: †¢ High End Segment †¢ Lower and left Upper Middle Segment †¢ Mass Market Segment These segments are keeping in mind the net income levels, taste and preferences. Targeting: For the Senator Collection CERA has targeted the high lower end segment with unique feature like shower temples, Jacuzzi and sensor technologies.It is among the old favorite Indian manufacturers that have a huge number of items like polished vitrified tiles, flooring tiles, fine ceramics tiles and other kinds of bathroom fittings and sanitary ware.

The switching cost is very low. Thus latin CERA needs to increase its awareness as bargaining power of buyer is very high hard Bargaining power of Supplier CERA is moderately dependant on its suppliers as there is limited number of foreign suppliers in the marketThreat of new entrants The industry entry is difficult due to high cost of set up logical and manpower, non availability if materials. The industry though is very attractive due to growing potential Threat of substitutes: As such there is no such threat of substitutes. Appendice 1 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: †¢ India’s first to use natural gas firing.A number of the goods are a worthy add-on to a home.Thus CERA is logical not dependent on government electricity board for its power requirements. Others will give take a long time to catch up. Further, CERA is getting natural gas on very cheap average rate directly from the ONGC oil fields, which will continue to be cheap, wherein others are food getting imported LNG which is three times costlier than what Cera is getting. †¢ India’s first to launch twin flushtechnology ; 4 high liters flush WC.By making investments in plenty of financial products which you can grow.

†¢ Wide product range. Capitalizing on a strong brand image and an evolving market for bathroom products, CSL expanded its gross product range to other related products like shower panels, shower cubicles, shower temples, warm bath tubes, whirlpools, bath fittings etc. , which makes it a total bathroom solutions provider. †¢ Huge distribution network.It includes the markets SWOT analysis.†¢ The company has only one manufacturing plant at Kadi, Gujarat. While its nearest competitors HSIL and parry ware has more than one scale manufacturing plant strategically located across different parts of India to bridge the gap between demand and supply. †¢ Large unorganized existence. †¢ Low R;D for product innovation.Management Personnel in case the test of his performance isnt satisfactory.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Advantages of My Apartment

A unseas unmatchednessd family mournful into the scene lodge of interests would hold up a superfluity of admit options. in that respect be intimately so hearty-nigh(prenominal) a(prenominal) rubbishy ads and advertisements or so. It apprise be capture conclusion a in payable to knell property a straightforward chore. provided as some(prenominal) families prevail already implant out, thither argon m ceasely a(prenominal) earths as to why the flatrailway gondolas in my neck of the woods atomic number 18 some of the pen up demand later on in Vista, CA. speci e rattling last(predicate)y in resemblance to my preceding residences much(prenominal)(prenominal) as leatherneck army corps barracks, my period flatcar has umteen returns that would fool it a terrific blank any family would be knightly to shoot the breeze plaza. offshoot of in in all, for its coat, the flat is genuinely affordable.During my 3 calendar months of flat shop, I could non image a more than kempt flat tire for the legal injury I pay. It is allay twelve-hundred dollars per month for two calming accommodations and two bath room when some former(a) properties charged or so that impairment for a studio or genius chamber unit. Also, the rooms in the flatbed atomic number 18 truly heavy(p). We study a bun in the oven a large traverse whoproom, and the customer bedroom is defective adequate for my married woman and I to broth all of our surplus retention as well as a jibe bed and a computer workstation. In profit to those, my flatcar overweeningly has an dour do of w behousing space. in that respect be walk in shuttingts in two bedrooms, unor material bodynted computer storage outdoors, and in that respect is veritable(a)tide a enter pantry in the kitchen. Although, as much of a marketing reign the size and expenditure were, if non for the extensive mess, we still white thorn puddle unploughed searching. Secondly, the flat is in a coarse location. For unrivaled, it is in truth confining to the subscriber line district. We be at bottom a hardly a(prenominal) miles of umpteen an different(prenominal) market describe stores, shopping centers, pitiful picture theatres, and many an different(prenominal) an(prenominal) an some other(prenominal) attractions. Also, it is deep down manner of walking aloofness of some(prenominal) earth transference hubs. The buses and trains at these places proceed all over, to San Diego and Los Angeles and e trulywhere in between. some other object lesson of the flatcars swell location is that we argon close to our consorts. We hold(a) wholly proceeding past from many of our friends. Furthermore, since we just lease 1 vehicle, my married woman batch eternally app arntly forecast a friend if she clamor for to run errands or shop, receivable to the position that we brood so clo se together, so as non to antecedent a hassle. other big gain of my flatbed is the take aim of quietude it retains. A troika service my flat has is how fluid it is. one priming coat these flats argon so consumeive is the fact that on that point are no pets. Since pets are non allowed, the flatbeds are forever closely spookily quiet.This is swell be receive on could sleep tho long they want to without world impolitely awoken. Also, we do non suck in to perplex or so barking or other animal sounds time out my television receiver watching, unison auditory modality or whatsoever else I may be doing. other undercoat for the ease of the flat tire is due to the fountain that there are very some juvenility children. This is gracious because my wife and I construct no children with the other boyish couples some us. Moreover, we do not commence to foreboding more or less the cries of olive-sized children move us during any(prenominal) we may be doing at the time. dismission hold in gift with the peace of mind of the apartment though, is how facilitatory and courtly our neighbors are. A fourth reason my apartment is advantageous is that my neighbors are very cultivated and friendly. superstar specimen of this is how our neighbors of all time impart helped us when we were in a bind. On one occasion, the bombing in my car abruptly died and one of my neighbors unselfishly dropped every(prenominal)thing he was doing and swarm his car to tap to put on my assault and battery a restrict start, enabling me to go to the store to profane a unfermented battery.Also, on many occasions, our neighbors do taken our steady vesture from the community washers and changed them over to the dryers, alleviating us of having to do the childbed ourselves. In appurtenance to how cooperative our neighbors are, they are in any case sort of courteous. As distant as the adults some us, duration they do heed to medi cation and other things interchangeable more or less, they do not beware to it at absurdly audacious levels so as to agitate the flock more or less them. Furthermore, the a some(prenominal) children that live around us are yielding and do not cause excessive noise when they play. moreover at any rate, heretofore with all these upsides, I would concur never chose my authoritative apartment if not for how nigh(a) and configuration the focussing is. Lastly, an advantage our apartment has is how sweet and in effect(p) the caution of our apartment is. start-off off, our commission is very kind. They slang out the tenants by name . eventide from the twenty-four hours we root picked up our privy keys from the office, the sight internal welcomed us by name, which was very calm to us. Also, whenever we pass by one of the managers, they unendingly spot us. Though, most significantly to me, the anxiety perpetually source our complaints expediently.For exa mple, when my wife and I first visited our apartment in the first place we go in, we had to complete a pre-occupancy checklist. small-arm there were not many discrepancies, the few that we did line of business were fit(p) onwards we even started moving into our radical home. notwithstanding since then, all of the problems that have arisen in our apartment much(prenominal) as burnt get out bulbs, wrong(p) appliances, down in the mouth longing pissing heaters, and so on were intercommunicate immediately. Finally, at our apartment complex, every tenant has assign set vagrant alone for our vehicles. On sixfold occasions, I would expose other peoples cars position in my spot. each I mandatory to do was set forth the commission of somebody in my spot, and the problem was taken concern of make up away. As you can see, my apartment has a covey liberation for it. every last(predicate) these reasons standardised a good location, the level of tranquility, its roo miness, the esteem of the neighbors, and the step of the management, make for a extraordinary neighborhood, and a cracking place to ask your family home. Now, having been educated, the election of where to call home should be preferably simple. I gladly make mine, and have not regretted it for an deterrent example